
Who's Your Second String Quarterback?

Last Thursday I sat in the stands, wearing my Boler number 8 jersey, watching the Ravens play the Falcons. Boler currently wears number 7 - he wore number 8 during his first year with the Ravens.

Unfortunately, Boler was sidelined with a sore shoulder and Smith was in the hospital. So Flacco was taking all the snaps.

Imagine my surprise when number 8 showed up on the field! My seatmates turned to look at my jersey in amazement. And all of us started flipping through the program. Who was this quarterback?

NFL coaches realize they can't play a game with just one quarterback. Yet I am continually amazed by the number of business owners who have no one on the bench to replace them: today, tomorrow, or next year. Who are you grooming to succeed you?

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