
Can Technology Firms Produce Good Leaders?

Can you be technically competent AND a good leader? Of course!

Can you identify the object in this photo?

If the answer is "yes", you and your organization may have special leadership challenges.

Robert Fulmer and Byron Hanson surveyed technology companies and interviewed industry leaders. They conclude that in order to develop strong leaders, your leadership development process must:
  • Formalize the System

  • Focus on Data

  • Engage the Audience

  • Encourage Coaching

Formalize the System
If you're an entrepreneur, you don't want to squelch creativity through formal processes. Unfortunately, you may fail to develop and encourage your talented managers. Your challenge - implement a formal (yet flexible) system to identify, track, and groom your leaders of the future.

Focus on Data
Measure, measure, measure. And while you're at it, ensure that performance reviews and raises for leaders are based on measures of management effectiveness such as thorough and timely performance reviews.

Engage the Audience
Please don't send your leaders to one-size-fits-all training. Instead, determine individual goals, strengths, and weaknesses. Involve each leader in creating and executing an individual development plan that includes training, on-the-job activities and individual assignments.

Encourage Coaching
Every leader can benefit from mentoring and coaching. Explore a variety of options for feedback and coaching including professional coaches, internal mentors from other departments, and peers.

Read the entire article here: Do Techies Make Good Leaders?

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