
Authentic Networking - Giving Helpful Help

Reid Hoffman has a great approach to networking!  I particularly like his rules:

In the next day:  Look at your calendar for the past six months and identify the five people you spend the most time with - are you happy with their influence on you?

In the next week:  Introduce two people who do not know each other but ought to  Then think a bout a challenge you face and ask for an introduction to a connection in your network who could help.

Imagine you got laid off from your job today.  Who are the 10 people you'd e-mail for advice?  Don't wait - invest in those relationships now.

In the next month:  Identify a weaker tie with whom you'd like to build an alliance.  Help him by giving him a small gift - forward an article or job posting.

Create an "interesting people fund" to which you automatically funnel a certain percentage of your paycheck.  Use it to pay for coffees and the occasional plane ticket to meet new people and shore up existing relationships.

Read the entire article here:

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