
Improve Performance by Taking a Break

What happens when a factory worker is tired and overworked? Big mistakes, preventable accidents, and serious injuries.

What happens when a decision-maker is tired and overworked? Problems get worse, opportunities are missed, and business performance suffers.

What's a leader to do? Take a break.

According to Harvard Business's Jeff Stibel, "Taking a break provides an opportunity to reflect and often it is during such times when the best ideas, our deepest insights, emerge."

David Bohl points out
How many Saturdays have you gotten up in the morning with the intent of “doing something productive?” How many times do you get on your own case about “wool gathering” or daydreaming when you feel you “should” be working?

I do it often and enjoy that time.

When we push ourselves too hard to be productive, we’re missing out not only on the balance we could have in our lives, but also on the benefits of this time when we feel we’re not being productive.

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Read Jeff Stibel's blog post here: 7 Ways to Be Happier at Work

David Bohl explains: The Myth of Productivity

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