
Kind or Cruel: Player with Disability Scores Touchdown in Losing Game

As a leadership coach, I advocate setting realistic goals, measuring results, and celebrating achievements.

When I first read about high school freshman Matt Ziesel scoring a touchdown, I was choked up. Matt Ziesel Scores a Touchdown But after seeing Matt run 60 yards unmolested, I felt sorry for him. Was this kind or cruel?

Matt Ziesel loves football. Matt Zelsel has Down Syndrome. Matt Ziesel scored a touchdown becasue the opposing team (leading 46-0 with 10 seconds to go)agreed to avoid physical contact.

Coaches and players collaborated in executivng the fantasy play. Defensive players ran close by, put no one laid a finger on Matt.

What this a gift that Matt will cherish and celebrate? Or a hoax that sets him up for disappointment and failure? Could it be both?

I'd love to hear your reactions.


Ann Bevans-Selig said...

My gut feeling is that this kid will remember his touchdown as a great achievement for a long, long time.

I think the attitudes of the adults and the other kids on and off the field make the difference. If their hearts were in a good place, then I think, on balance, this is a good thing.

People are capable of tremendous cruelty, but also great magnanimity. This strikes me as the latter.

Tony Mayo said...

Great question, Sheila. As with all of life, the power is not in what happened but in the story you tell yourself about it.

I the story is competition, this is a fraud and an embarrassment. If the story is compassion, everybody won. I choose compassion.

Sheila Cox said...

Ann and Tony -

Thanks for your observations! This story has touched a nerve and a lot of people have strong opinions.